Stepping Up to PHMSA “Mega Rule” Challenges

Campos EPC (CEPC) has stepped up to the challenges presented by the “Mega Rule”. On September 24th, 2019, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) transmitted three significant final rules to the Federal Register that will strengthen the safety of more than 500,000 miles of onshore gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipelines throughout the U.S. A major component of the “Mega Rule” is Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) Reconfirmation. In conjunction with our clients, our team has created a seamless transition from record review, document organization, and data gathering to GIS based asset management and decision making. Any decision made regarding reconfirmation of MAOP needs to take all relevant information into account. This includes focusing on critical construction documentation, historical operating data, ILI and/or integrity assessment information, fatigue analysis and cracking data.
CEPC has focused on MAOP calculations and determination methods for many years. We have helped natural gas utilities and operators across the United States develop, implement, and staff MAOP programs and procedures. Working with a variety of clients has given CEPC a unique understanding of the challenges they face when it comes to regulatory requirements, document organization, record quality, and data extraction and management. CEPC understands that an MAOP review program requires an extremely high attention to detail that encompasses every foot of pipe and each fitting installed within a given system in order to provide an operator with results that are both accurate and fully code compliant (TVC – Traceable, Verifiable and Complete).
As a solution, CEPC works with utilities and operators to unify all information necessary to understand the intricacies of each individual pipeline or asset. Aligning the data spatially ensures the operator has a visual component to the analysis as well as the ability to cross reference with other pertinent GIS data. Additionally, CEPC has the project scoping expertise and support capabilities that can assist clients with the next phase utilizing applicable MAOP Reconfirmation methods.
Approaching MAOP Reconfirmation is a task best undertaken as a whole, and we have the experience and resources necessary to bring comprehensive solutions to fruition for our clients. For more information, please contact Robert Sawaya at or submit inquiry through our website portal.